23 February 2010


Jeśli wydaje Ci się, ze coś się skończyło, jesteś w błędzie. To było tylko preludium.

When you think that something is finished, you are wrong. That thing just introduces something new.

22 February 2010

Drzwi? Drogi?/Doors? Ways?

Ktoś może Ci doradzić, które drzwi wybrać.
Jednak to TY musisz podjąć decyzję i przez nie przejść.

Someone can advise you which door to choose.
However, YOU have to make a decision and also go through this door.

PS.The thought which entered my mind while I was eating dinner/lunch... whatever - some warm meal about 2 o'clock. ;)

1 February 2010

"There is more to life..."

"There is more to life than increasing its speed"
- Mahatma Gandhi