W obronie życia
Ostatni miesiąc pełen był przekrzykiwania się emocjonalnymi argumentami w
sprawie prawa kobiet do aborcji, oraz prawa nienarodzonego dziecka do
życia. Od i...
8 years ago
W poszukiwaniu prawdy i sensu...
Why we don’t talk about our painful things straight out?
Building a wall around you is paltry art.
Sensitive word and tender touch are enough;
Sometimes I only long for, look for them.
Oh, Dear God,
The life is not only to take,
The life is not only to stand by.
To live you have to give yourself.
Your, my problems and our fights, politics...
But each hair like our years has been counted.
Let’s let the man who has no sin throw the stone first.
When I close myself for others paradise is far away.
Oh, Dear God,
The life is not only to take,
The life is not only to stand by.
To live you have to give yourself.
PS. To listen to original click here